
Indoor Pollution Air Purifiers

Your indoor air quality may seem perfect to you, since you are taking a good care of your house by cleaning it on a regular basis, renovating from time to time, changing your furniture and window treatments, you may not think that indoor pollution air purifiers may come handy to you since there is nothing to worry about. But you may not be aware of the presence of hidden highly toxic pollutants that exist in your house, even inside your conventional cleaning products. In fact more than 1,500 hazardous assets may be found in the typical American home. Chemicals, molds, bacteria, viruses, pet hair, fungi, pollen, dust mites and other insecticides, smoke related particles and many more are causing 50 million Americans to suffer from allergies and asthma. American Lung Association names the following indoor pollutants as the most dangerous ones: asbestos, biological agents that exist in every home, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde which comes from building materials, smoking and house...

Ionic Air Purifiers - Effective Or Dangerous?

Ionic air purifiers work differently than air purifiers using filters. Also known as Ozone air purifiers or Ion air cleaners, they disperse negatively charged ions into the air which causes particles such as pollen, dust and dust mites, mold spores, bacteria, pet dander and smoke as well as airborne chemicals to attach to one another . These new particles become heavier and settle on surfaces where they can simply be cleaned off. This leaves you with pure air to breathe, however you will need to clean surfaces in your home regularly. An ion is a small charge of either positively or negatively charged static electricity. We breathe air charged with ions constantly. An ion air cleaner reduces the amount of positive ions in the air and increases the amount of negative ions. Negative ions give a clean a refreshing feeling to the air such as after rain or a lightning storm, whereas high levels of positive ions in the air can create a heavy atmosphere such as is often evident before ...

HEPA Air Purifiers - Filter Technology Explained

HEPA filters are very popular these days. In fact, they may be one of the most commonly used air filtration filters used in American homes. Originally used by the military and medical professions, HEPA filters are extremely effective, capable to remove as much as 99.97% of all particles as small as .03 microns from the air we breath. HEPA, which stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air was developed in the 1940's by the Atomic Energy Commissions to capture radioactive dust. Today, they are used primarily to help clean dust, pollens and other allergens from the air we breathe inside of our homes and offices. Made of a paper-like glass fiber sheet pleated in a "V" pattern with corrugated aluminum separators between the pleats, HEPA filters are bonded onto a sturdy base, forming the core of the filter. The main drawback of the system is that the filters must be periodically changed for best results since the particles do become captured within it and can cause ...

Sharp Air Purifier Review – Plasmacluster Ion Technology Efficacy

Our Sharp air purifier review continues with an in-depth examination of the efficiency of Plasmacluster Ion technology, the innovative air purification technology invented by Sharp Corporation in 2000. Conceptually, an efficiency test is one conducted in the laboratory to demonstrate that the reactive agents of a technology, plasmacluster ions in this case, work in practice as opposed to just being a fancy theory demonstrable only with computer animation. In a typical efficiency experiment, the reactive agents are pumped into a sealed container. The pathogen is injected into the same container. After a certain time period, a sample of the mixture of reactive agent and pathogen is extracted. This "treated" pathogen extract is injected into a laboratory-grown cell culture (Culture A). For control purposes, a sample of "untreated" pathogen is injected into another cell culture (Culture B). After a few days, the two cultures are compared. If the cells in the tre...

Ionic Air Purifier Review - Efficacy and Efficiency Tests

Ionic air purifiers exist to combat airborne contaminants that are invisible to the human eye. They employ beneficial reactive agents that are also invisible to users. How then shall a user know if the purifier is doing what it claims or just burning electricity? A good place to start would be a properly conducted review. A quality review must begin by focusing on user safety. Safety, which can be further classified into 2 separate categories, has been covered at length in this author's 2 articles. An ionic air purifier review must also include 2 other equally critical criteria: (1) Efficacy Test - the purifier technology, firmly grounded in sound scientific theory, must be proven to work in a laboratory; (2) Efficiency Test - the lab-tested purifier technology must be successfully transplanted into an appliance that replicates the same laboratory results in the users' setting at home, in school, or the workplace. Such demanding tests require substantial resources qu...